Our History

from the begining

Comprehensive Community Solutions (CCS), based in Rockford, Illinois, was founded in 1992 as a non-profit organization initially aimed at providing community-based services. The organization emerged from the vision of a probation officer, named Kerry Knodle, who recognized the need for more supportive systems for young people. Over the years, CCS has evolved to focus on transforming neighborhoods and communities through various initiatives. Key areas of our work include workforce development, leading to sustainable wages, community engagement, and the development of affordable housing. Additionally, CCS places a strong emphasis on education, job training, and community service, especially for young adults. Our mission revolves around building human capital and improving the circumstances of residents in the communities we serve, showcasing a commitment to fundamental and lasting change.

Comprehensive Community Solutions (CCS) has a rich history of empowering communities and transforming lives, particularly through its partnership with YouthBuild USA. This collaboration has elevated CCS to a global platform, enabling it to reach and impact more individuals than ever before. At the heart of CCS's YouthBuild program are the teachings and philosophy of Dorothy Stoneman, the originator of the YouthBuild program. Her innovative approach to community development and youth empowerment has become the foundational pillars of CCS's programs.

Dorothy Stoneman's journey with YouthBuild began long before its introduction to CCS. She started the first YouthBuild program with a vision to engage young people in rebuilding their communities and their lives through education, work experience, and leadership training. Her model was revolutionary, focusing on giving disadvantaged youth the tools and opportunities to contribute positively to society while building their skills and self-esteem.

In 1994, Stoneman and Knodle teamed up to bring her groundbreaking program to Comprehensive Community Solutions, marking a significant milestone in the organization's history. Under her guidance, CCS's YouthBuild program was established, integrating Stoneman's principles of community engagement, personal development, and skill-building. This program not only offered young people a chance to work on construction projects that benefit their communities but also provided them with education and training opportunities to advance their careers and personal growth.

The partnership between CCS and YouthBuild USA, spearheaded by Stoneman's vision, has transformed CCS into a beacon of hope and change. It has enabled the organization to expand its reach, offering more young people a pathway out of poverty and towards a brighter future. The success of CCS's YouthBuild program is a testament to Dorothy Stoneman's enduring legacy and her belief in the power of young people to change their lives and their communities for the better.

Today, CCS continues to build on the strong foundation laid by Stoneman, adapting and expanding its programs to meet the evolving needs of the communities it serves. The organization's commitment to empowering youth and fostering community solutions remains unwavering, inspired by the pioneering spirit of Dorothy Stoneman and her transformative YouthBuild program.

YouthBuild Celebrates 40 Years

YouthBuild is celebrating 40 years of unleashing the intelligence and positive energy of young people around the world. To commemorate the YouthBuild movement and honor founder Dorothy Stoneman, YouthBuild USA hosted a 40th Anniversary Celebration and New York City Gala on October 10, 2018. This video, which reflects our 40th Anniversary “Build on Love” theme, was featured at the event.



Comprehensive Community Solutions has a rich 31+ year history that includes servicing over 1,200 youth and providing them with a pathway to success within the city of Rockford, building and rehabbing over 150 units of housing, and blazing a strong foundation as a community change agent.

On March 3, 2020, William Chatman was hired as Comprehensive Community Solutions 3rd Executive Director/CEO. When he stepped into this role, the organization was fiscally in trouble, the organization operated only the YouthBuild Rockford program, had five employees, and COVID 19 would hit a week later. Statistically 50% to 70% of executives fail within 18 months of taking on the role, regardless of whether they were an external hire or promoted from within and that’s walking into a normal situation. William was not a normal hire. William had a long history with CCS. William came to the Rockford community in 2001 looking for a second chance as a young adult. His aunt told him about YouthBuild Rockford, operated by CCS, and he went and filled out an application to enroll into that program where he graduated with honors in 2002. William came back to CCS in 2004 and served a two-year term as a Full-Time AmeriCorps member and was later hired in during his second term as a program coordinator. William worked for CCS for a total of eight years before he would go on to be responsible for running youth programs in six counties in southern Wisconsin. William always had a love for CCS because of its YouthBuild program and the second chance it gave him to put his life on track to become an asset to his community. It was this love that prompted William to apply for the Executive Director/CEO position when it became available.

By 2023, CCS had grown it’s operating budget to $3 million, employed 28 staff, and grown its program portfolio beyond its flagship YouthBuild program to operating four legacy programs: YouthBuild Rockford, RockForWork, ALPHA and Alive & Free. William and his team found funding to rehab the entire main office building giving it a more modern industrial look that is comfortable and safe for the community, rebranded the organization with a new mission, core values, website, and look that spoke to the community it served.

Comprehensive Community Solutions four legacy programs are a direct response to what the data said about Rockford, Illinois in 2020. When William stepped into the role of Executive Director/CEO of Comprehensive Community Solutions, Rockford was at a 18.3% unemployment rate with the rate for young people between the age of 16-24 years old being 20.2%. This rate was higher than the state and national rates. The poverty rate was 19.9%, also hire than that of the state and nation. The poverty rate amongst 16 to 24 year old’s was a staggering 51.9%. The Department of HUD did a study across the US and concluded that neighborhoods with high poverty rates tend to have higher rates of violent crime. This was true for Rockford and explains why Rockford was labeled as “more dangerous than Chicago”, ranking it at the time as the 11th most dangerous city in the nation.

CCS strongly believed that the feeder for Rockford’s unemployment and poverty rates were the local graduation rates which was at 67% at that time. The graduation rate coupled with the fact that 11% of the youth that leave school for whatever reason, in Rockford, do not return. From this information, CCS understood the following:

  • There’s a group of young people that need a pathway to a high school diploma or its equivalent that continued into post-secondary education: The YouthBuild Rockford program fulfilled this need,

  • There’s a group of young that have a high school diploma but don’t know what their next steps are: The RockForWork Program would fulfill this need through it’s career pathways,

  • There’s a group of young people who are engaged in the educational system who are on the verge of falling between the cracks and feeding the statistics we talked about: Our Advance Learning Program for Higher Achievements (ALPHA) would fulfill the needs of this population by providing safe place programming and wraparound services that help these young people get on track and stay on track to graduate,

  • Young people also need to address the trauma they endure growing up in a community plagued by violence: The Alive & Free program would fulfill the needs of these young people by providing trauma based therapy, assessments, behavioral improvement, plans, one-on-one sessions, group sessions and so much more.

To learn more about these programs, please visit the tabs of each of these programs that can be accessed through the tabs above. These programs are a comprehensive approach that is solution focused to address the needs of the Rockford community. These programs and the dedicated Board, staff, and community partners that make them possible is: COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS.